
HUMANITY         IMPARTIALITY         Neutrality         Independence         Voluntary Service         Unity         Universality

Bhutan Red Cross Society

BRCS is an autonomous and not-for-profit organization established under the Bhutan Red Cross Society Act 2016.

It is a voluntary aid society, auxiliary to the public authorities in the humanitarian field, having the following objectives:

  • to build a safer, resilient and harmonious society;
  • to prevent and alleviate human suffering in times of disasters;
  • to improve the livelihood and wellbeing of vulnerable people;


You can register with us at any time on the following categories

Volunteer: By contributing with my skills/proficiency

The volunteer is one of the categories you can be a member with Bhutan Red Cross. To become a member with this category, you need not have to pay any fees. You are just asked to submit your details asked by form with you photograph.

Member: By paying a memership fee (Nu. 100 per annum)

You can become a member with Bhutan Red Cross in the category of Member by paying Nu. 100 per year. While you are registering with us, you will need to pay an initial amount after your form submission without which your application will not be sent.

Donor: By contributing any amount in cash or kind

If you wish to register with the Bhutan Red Cross Society as Donor, you qualify as a volunteer as well as Member.

Youth Volunteer

If you are 24 years-old and below, you are not eligible to get registered with any other category except youth Volunteer


Whom are you waiting for ?. Just registered with BHUTAN RED CROSS and become a responsible citizen